Monday, March 20, 2023


European Backpacking Flix Bus vs EuroRail: Which one is better?

European Backpacking Flix Bus EuroRail Tain what one is better costs less save money travel transport how to backpack student plan compare stations

To Train or to Bus. 

When backpacking, the most important things are 1) traveling to multiple cities and countries and 2) doing that affordably. So when traveling through Europe, you might ask yourself, when planning, what option provides the most convenient and reliable experience?

I spent 4 months living and studying in Amsterdam. Now I was faced with a completely open summer in which I planned to explore as much as I could of Europe. I knew I wanted to spend most of my remaining 3 months in France and Italy before branching off to a few other countries. Still, the issue was how I could do it cheaply. 

Besides the hostels and living below my means in terms of food and activities, the remaining money suck was for transport. I had towns mapped out and saved in the "Saved Locations" tab on my google maps. The only thing I had to do was figure out whether taking a bus or train was better. 

I discovered Flix during the first four months in Amsterdam when a group of friends and I made plans to spend 35 hours in Belgium. It was decided that we would rather prefer to spend a total of €4.99. 

Now the perk of busses is that they are cheap and perfect for backpackers. Plus, they have plenty of storage underneath the seating compartments for bags. Generally, buses are empty, so you can spread out and take up the 2 seats in the row. At times buses can get to more places and travel just as fast as some regional trains. 

However, the buses are not without problems. Due to limited signage, many of the bus stations can be challenging to find. Buses can arrive late. At one point during my trip, I was stranded for 3 hours and had a grand time sitting in the sun. Directions and bus details can be confusing, too, and not specific. 

On the other hand, trains are also great options. They generally travel faster between the major cities (bullet train is the best! Talk about shaving hours off the trip). Most are air-conditioned (emphasis on the most, there were definitely a few trains I took in Italy with no AC). Travel is more scenic than roadways. Train stations are also leagues better than bus stations. Trains have up-to-date arrival and departure times. There are amenities like cafes and restrooms, which most bus stations lack. The signage is significantly improved, and everyone knows where the station is if you're ever lost!

Now the cons to trains are relatively self-explanatory. First is the cost. You will be paying approximately 10 times the cost of a bus fare, which, when you're backpacking, might be something you need to seriously consider. There are luggage compartments, but they generally tend to be away from the seats, so you must stay vigilant during station stops to ensure your bag doesn't get off without you. Keep your ticket, ever, as you might get fined, and those are pricey. There were times when I stepped off at the wrong station in France. If this happens, don't panic, you may need to buy another ticket, or if the station staff are friendly, they might allow you to board another train at no extra expense. 

So the final verdict: both are great options for differing reasons. 

Trains are fantastic if you are constrained for time and not stressed about funding. Buses are a great option if you are trying to travel and not break the bank. 

I personally used an equal mixture of buses and trains depending on my planned journey's length. For my trip from Bordeaux to Marseille, I rode in trains while I took a bus from Grenoble to Annecy. It's definitely a personal choice, but I opted mainly for trains as they saved me hours of travel time. I recommend to any travelers who decide to wing their trip like I did to do their research and compare both tickets to see what option is best! 

European Backpacking Flix Bus EuroRail Tain what one is better costs less save money travel transport how to backpack student plan compare stations


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