Thursday, March 23, 2023


Driving in the US Virgin Islands: Tips

U.S. Virgin Islands
Best Tips for driving on any island in the United States Virgin Islands Caribbean. Island driving. Tips and tricks for tourists visiting. car rentals

Best Tips for driving on an island in the USVI

If you're planning a visit to the USVI any time soon, I recommend planning a car rental. Although touristy, the islands are limited in their public transport services. Ultimately, it is easier to rent a car. Bonus is that there are numerous agencies around, and they all have websites so you can book before you arrive. There are some things that you need to note before doing so.

Most Important: They drive on the wrong side of the road. 

Although the cars are American-made, the steering wheel is on the left, and the locals on the US Virgin Islands of Thomas, Croix, and John drive on the wrong side of the road (the side Europeans drive on). That means the divers are on the outer side of the road and not near the middle. This change can be difficult for American divers to grasp. Be especially careful when approaching road crossings and stop signs. It took a while to get accustomed to the change, but you're set once you remember that drivers should be able to look to their left and see grass next to them. 

Mildly Important: Car break-ins are exceptionally common, especially at trailheads and beach lots.

Most locals can quickly identify tourist vehicles, so they become targets for crime. When parking at a lot, check the ground and scope out how much glass is sitting about. If there is a lot, I recommend staying observant or finding a different place to park. Never leave anything of value in your car. If you are worried about your window being smashed, leave the doors unlocked. I know, I know. It seems crazy, but if your door is unlocked, the odds are your window won't be smashed. The moral of the story - is don't park anywhere sketchy and don't leave things of value in your car.

Now, the not-so-important but still good to know: Road conditions and signage are awful.
Because the drinking age in the USVI is 18, the Islands do not receive any federal public funds for road upkeep, meaning there are lots of potholes and barely any signs. Just ensure you are driving carefully and frequently checking with google maps to ensure you are going in the right direction. There are also hardly any painted lines on the road, so stick to the line you think is suitable for lane width. 

Overall if you understand that things will be wonky and you are careful, you will be fine! Just don't speed and keep your wits about you! Good luck!

Best Tips for driving on any island in the United States Virgin Islands Caribbean. Island driving. Tips and tricks for tourists visiting. car rentals

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