Thursday, August 30, 2018



Photo inspiration for Sorority. Big little. Sisters. Greek life. Kappa kappa gamma. fraternity .

If you don't like people. If you don't like friends. If you don't like fun, then maybe you shouldn't go Greek.

I mean sure Greek life isn't for everyone, but if you totally hate the idea of making lifelong friends then I wouldn't recommend Greek life. If you are on the level of the Grinch without a heart, let me warn you right now that Greek life is the best and most fun thing to ever happen and you probably should not participate.

For all those wondering what being in a sorority is like consider me your inside source. There are no Hollywood scenes of crazy girls and pillow fights. There is, however, the screaming and chanting of songs in the middle of the street while you block traffic, glitter, amazing times at date nights or sisterhoods or philanthropies or formals, more glitter, constant uncontrollable laughs, and if you don't understand yet even more glitter because honestly how can you ever have too much.

When I was placed in my house I was so excited. I met some of the most amazing people during recruitment (we aren't supposed to call it rush anymore). Turns out some became my sisters so yay!  I have never looked back. Sure Greek life might not be everyone's cup of tea. A bunch of my friends (like my roommate) decided to not join, and I'm pretty certain they still have an amazing time at uni. I highly encourage everyone to consider Greek life at least once though and to experience it firsthand so as not to judge it and everyone involved through the dramatized actions scenes of Hollywood.

Going Greek makes the campus feel smaller, and the people you meet are some of the coolest around. It means that you (even if it's unwillingly) sign your soul away to glitter and daily adventures.
Ever wanted to be one of those people floating on a lake in the mountains with 6 other girls on a giant flamingo? If yes, go Greek.
Want to watch cinematic masterpieces like "Cabin in the Woods" with some mystery date that a sister set you up with? If yes, go Greek.
Want to have the best 4 years ever with some killer people, please go Greek.

What Greek life gives you are friends that will make you frozen pretzels in a toaster at 1 am on a Saturday while talking about your weeks' worth of stress that you've bottled up inside.
So if you're down for friends that will last a lifetime and be forced to love you, I know cliché right, then maybe going Greek is something you should consider.

Photo inspiration for Sorority. Big little. Sisters. Greek life. Kappa kappa gamma. fraternity .

1 comment:

  1. love these pics and your view on greek life. live every moment to the fullest!


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